St. Mary's Landing Restaurant for buffet breakfast...YUM!
Pax River First Officer Bill 'Bluewolf' and Barbara Johnston...
Mattawoman Chapter First Officer Andy 'Tin Man' and son, Michael...
Ken and Janet...
Pax River Treasurer Wanda 'Wicked Wanda' and Second Officer Keith 'Popeye' Johnson...
Robin and Bill Little...
Jim 'WingGlide' and Angela...
Didn't get the names!
Wanda, Keith, Robin and Bill...
A hearty breakfast!
Michael and Andy...
Pax River Senior Road Captain Tim 'St. Timothy' and Anna...
Gary 'MasterGuns'...
Loudoun's Robin 'Ricochet' and Peter 'Teach'...
Time to eat!
Everyone's enjoying the good food!
Antietam Chapter's John 'Grits' and David 'Weeble'...
David, Peter and John showing off their vests...
Andy, David and Teach...
Slider Bob without his beard!
Ed and Linda...
Choptank Chapter's Milton 'Fireball'...
Mike, Jennifer and daughter Lucy...
Getting ready...
The line of total = 20!
Sun's coming out...
Comparing bikes...
St. Timothy and Grits...
Fast Eddie...
Joe and Roxanne...
The family way to ride!
This chapter has a lot of tour bikes!
Dan and Bridget...
Scott and Jane...
Pre-ride briefing...
Moving out...
Lining up...
Pulling out...
Almost there...
Last ones out...
They're off!